# Copyright 2020-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 KERNEL_EFI_ZBOOT=1 KERNEL_IUSE_GENERIC_UKI=1 KERNEL_IUSE_SECUREBOOT=1 inherit kernel-install toolchain-funcs unpacker MY_P=linux-${PV%.*} GENPATCHES_P=genpatches-${PV%.*}-$(( ${PV##*.} + 9 )) BINPKG=${PF/-bin}-1 DESCRIPTION="Pre-built Linux kernel with Gentoo patches" HOMEPAGE="https://www.kernel.org/" SRC_URI+=" https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v$(ver_cut 1).x/${MY_P}.tar.xz https://dev.gentoo.org/~mpagano/dist/genpatches/${GENPATCHES_P}.base.tar.xz https://dev.gentoo.org/~mpagano/dist/genpatches/${GENPATCHES_P}.extras.tar.xz amd64? ( https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/binpkg/amd64/kernel/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel/${BINPKG}.gpkg.tar -> ${BINPKG}.amd64.gpkg.tar ) arm64? ( https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/binpkg/arm64/kernel/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel/${BINPKG}.gpkg.tar -> ${BINPKG}.arm64.gpkg.tar ) ppc64? ( https://dev.gentoo.org/~mgorny/binpkg/ppc64le/kernel/sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel/${BINPKG}.gpkg.tar -> ${BINPKG}.ppc64le.gpkg.tar ) " S=${WORKDIR} KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc64" IUSE="debug" RDEPEND=" !sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel:${SLOT} " PDEPEND=" >=virtual/dist-kernel-${PV} " BDEPEND=" app-alternatives/bc app-alternatives/lex dev-util/pahole virtual/libelf app-alternatives/yacc amd64? ( app-crypt/sbsigntools ) arm64? ( app-crypt/sbsigntools ) " QA_PREBUILT='*' KV_LOCALVERSION='-gentoo-dist' KPV=${PV}${KV_LOCALVERSION} src_prepare() { local PATCHES=( # meh, genpatches have no directory "${WORKDIR}"/*.patch ) cd "${MY_P}" || die default } src_configure() { # force ld.bfd if we can find it easily local HOSTLD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" if type -P "${HOSTLD}.bfd" &>/dev/null; then HOSTLD+=.bfd fi local LD="$(tc-getLD)" if type -P "${LD}.bfd" &>/dev/null; then LD+=.bfd fi tc-export_build_env local makeargs=( V=1 HOSTCC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" HOSTCXX="$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)" HOSTLD="${HOSTLD}" HOSTAR="$(tc-getBUILD_AR)" HOSTCFLAGS="${BUILD_CFLAGS}" HOSTLDFLAGS="${BUILD_LDFLAGS}" CROSS_COMPILE=${CHOST}- AS="$(tc-getAS)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" LD="${LD}" AR="$(tc-getAR)" NM="$(tc-getNM)" STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)" OBJCOPY="$(tc-getOBJCOPY)" OBJDUMP="$(tc-getOBJDUMP)" READELF="$(tc-getREADELF)" # we need to pass it to override colliding Gentoo envvar ARCH="$(tc-arch-kernel)" O="${WORKDIR}"/modprep ) local kernel_dir="${BINPKG}/image/usr/src/linux-${KPV}" local image="${kernel_dir}/$(dist-kernel_get_image_path)" local uki="${image%/*}/uki.efi" if [[ -s ${uki} ]]; then # We need to extract the plain image for the test phase # and USE=-generic-uki. kernel-install_extract_from_uki linux "${uki}" "${image}" fi mkdir modprep || die cp "${kernel_dir}/.config" modprep/ || die emake -C "${MY_P}" "${makeargs[@]}" modules_prepare } src_test() { local kernel_dir="${BINPKG}/image/usr/src/linux-${KPV}" kernel-install_test "${KPV}" \ "${WORKDIR}/${kernel_dir}/$(dist-kernel_get_image_path)" \ "${BINPKG}/image/lib/modules/${KPV}" } src_install() { local kernel_dir="${BINPKG}/image/usr/src/linux-${KPV}" local image="${kernel_dir}/$(dist-kernel_get_image_path)" local uki="${image%/*}/uki.efi" if [[ -s ${uki} ]]; then # Keep the kernel image type we don't want out of install tree # Replace back with placeholder if use generic-uki; then > "${image}" || die else > "${uki}" || die fi fi # Overwrite the identifier in the prebuilt package echo "${CATEGORY}/${PF}:${SLOT}" > "${kernel_dir}/dist-kernel" || die mv "${BINPKG}"/image/{lib,usr} "${ED}"/ || die # FIXME: requires proper mount-boot if [[ -d ${BINPKG}/image/boot/dtbs ]]; then mv "${BINPKG}"/image/boot "${ED}"/ || die fi # strip out-of-source build stuffs from modprep # and then copy built files find modprep -type f '(' \ -name Makefile -o \ -name '*.[ao]' -o \ '(' -name '.*' -a -not -name '.config' ')' \ ')' -delete || die rm modprep/source || die cp -p -R modprep/. "${ED}/usr/src/linux-${KPV}"/ || die # Update timestamps on all modules to ensure cleanup works correctly # when switching USE=modules-compress. find "${ED}/lib" -name '*.ko' -exec touch {} + || die # Modules were already stripped before signing dostrip -x /lib/modules kernel-install_compress_modules # Mirror the logic from kernel-build_src_install, for architectures # where USE=debug is used. if use ppc64; then dostrip -x "${rel_kernel_dir}/$(dist-kernel_get_image_path)" elif use debug && { use amd64 || use arm64; }; then dostrip -x "${rel_kernel_dir}/vmlinux" dostrip -x "${rel_kernel_dir}/vmlinux.ctfa" fi }