# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Bruce's C compiler - Simple C compiler to generate 8086 code" HOMEPAGE="http://www.debath.co.uk/ https://github.com/lkundrak/dev86" SRC_URI="https://codeberg.org/jbruchon/dev86/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> Dev86src-${PV}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}/dev86" LICENSE="GPL-2 LGPL-2 public-domain" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86" RDEPEND="sys-devel/bin86" DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-makefile.patch" ) src_prepare() { default sed -i -e "s|-O2 -g|${CFLAGS}|" -e '/INEXE=/s:-s::' makefile.in || die sed -i -e "s:/lib/:/$(get_libdir)/:" bcc/bcc.c || die sed -i -e '/INSTALL_OPTS=/s:-s::' bin86/Makefile || die sed -i -e '/install -m 755 -s/s:-s::' dis88/Makefile || die } src_compile() { # Don't mess with CPPFLAGS as they tend to break compilation # (bug #343655). unset CPPFLAGS ln -s lib lib64 || die ln -s ../kinclude/arch libc/include/arch || die ln -s ../kinclude/linuxmt libc/include/linuxmt || die # This is needed to help find `bcc` and `bcc-cpp`. export PATH=${S}/bcc:${S}/cpp:${S}/copt:${S}/bin:${PATH} # First `make` is also a config, so set all the path vars here emake -j1 \ CC="$(tc-getCC) -std=gnu17" \ LIBDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/bcc" \ INCLDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/bcc" \ all emake -j1 \ CC="$(tc-getCC) -std=gnu17" \ LIBDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/bcc" \ INCLDIR="/usr/$(get_libdir)/bcc" \ bootblocks } src_install() { emake -j1 install-all DIST="${D}" dostrip -x "/usr/*/bcc/lib*.a /usr/*/i386/libc.a" dobin bootblocks/makeboot # remove all the stuff supplied by bin86 rm "${D}"/usr/bin/{as,ld,nm,objdump,size}86 || die rm "${D}"/usr/man/man1/{as,ld}86.1 || die dodir /usr/share mv "${D}"/usr/{man,share/man} || die }