# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2


depend() {
	after net.${VDE_TAP}

start_pre() {
	[ "${VDE_MODPROBE_TUN}" = "yes" ] || return 0
	modprobe tun

# We have to use start() because the shortform uses --pidfile for s-s-d --start
# which causes s-s-d to check the pid file before it exists
start() {

	ebegin "Starting ${RC_SVCNAME}"

	start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${command} -- \
		--pidfile=${pidfile} \
		--tap=${VDE_TAP} \
		--group=${VDE_GROUP} \
		--mode=660 \
		--dirmode=770 \
		--sock=${VDE_SOCKET} \
		--daemon \
	ewaitfile 10 "${VDE_SOCKET}"

	eend $? "Failed to start ${RC_SVCNAME}"

stop_post() {
	[ "${VDE_MODPROBE_TUN}" = "yes" ] && modprobe --quiet --remove tun

	# Don't fail to stop the service if the "tun" module in use
	# and the above "modprobe -r" command fails.
	return 0