# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 DISTUTILS_USE_PEP517=setuptools PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 pypy3_11 python3_{10..13} ) RUST_MIN_VER=1.75.0 inherit cargo distutils-r1 flag-o-matic shell-completion toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings" HOMEPAGE="https://www.maturin.rs/" SRC_URI=" https://github.com/PyO3/maturin/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.gh.tar.gz https://dev.gentoo.org/~ionen/distfiles/${P}-vendor.tar.xz " # ^ tarball also includes test-crates' Cargo.lock(s) crates for tests # rustls+ring is unused, so openssl license can be skipped LICENSE="|| ( Apache-2.0 MIT ) doc? ( CC-BY-4.0 OFL-1.1 )" LICENSE+=" 0BSD Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions BSD Boost-1.0 MIT MPL-2.0 Unicode-3.0 Unicode-DFS-2016 " # crates SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="doc +ssl test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" TOMLI_DEPEND="$(python_gen_cond_dep 'dev-python/tomli[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]' 3.10)" DEPEND=" app-arch/xz-utils ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= ) " RDEPEND=" ${DEPEND} ${TOMLI_DEPEND} " BDEPEND=" virtual/pkgconfig doc? ( app-text/mdbook ) test? ( ${TOMLI_DEPEND} $(python_gen_cond_dep 'dev-python/cffi[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]' 'python*') dev-python/boltons[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-python/virtualenv[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] dev-vcs/git elibc_musl? ( dev-util/patchelf ) ) " QA_FLAGS_IGNORED="usr/bin/${PN}" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.8.2-pypy3_11-tests.patch ) src_prepare() { distutils-r1_src_prepare # we build the Rust executable (just once) via cargo_src_compile sed -i -e '/setuptools_rust/d' -e '/rust_extensions/d' setup.py || die if use test; then # used to prevent use of network during tests, and silence pip # if it finds unrelated issues with system packages (bug #913613) cat > "${T}"/pip.conf <<-EOF || die [global] quiet = 2 [install] no-index = yes no-dependencies = yes EOF # uv does not work easily w/ network-sandbox, force virtualenv sed -i 's/"uv"/"uv-not-found"/' tests/common/mod.rs || die # increase timeouts for tests (bug #950332) sed -i '/^#\[timeout/s/secs(60)/secs(300)/' tests/run.rs || die # used by *git_sdist_generator tests git init -q || die git config --global user.email "larry@gentoo.org" || die git config --global user.name "Larry the Cow" || die git add . || die git commit -qm init || die fi } src_configure() { export OPENSSL_NO_VENDOR=1 # https://github.com/rust-lang/stacker/issues/79 use s390 && ! is-flagq '-march=*' && append-cflags $(test-flags-CC -march=z10) local myfeatures=( # like release.yml + native-tls for better platform support than rustls full password-storage $(usev ssl native-tls) ) cargo_src_configure --no-default-features } python_compile_all() { cargo_src_compile use !doc || mdbook build -d html guide || die if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then local maturin=$(cargo_target_dir)/maturin "${maturin}" completions bash > "${T}"/${PN} || die "${maturin}" completions fish > "${T}"/${PN}.fish || die "${maturin}" completions zsh > "${T}"/_${PN} || die else ewarn "shell completion files were skipped due to cross-compilation" fi } python_test() { local -x MATURIN_TEST_PYTHON=${EPYTHON} local -x PIP_CONFIG_FILE=${T}/pip.conf local -x VIRTUALENV_SYSTEM_SITE_PACKAGES=1 # need this for (new) python versions not yet recognized by pyo3 local -x PYO3_USE_ABI3_FORWARD_COMPATIBILITY=1 local skip=( # picky cli output test that easily benignly fail (bug #937992) --skip cli_tests # avoid need for wasm over a single hello world test --skip integration_wasm_hello_world # fragile depending on rust version, also wants libpypy*-c.so for pypy --skip pyo3_no_extension_module # unimportant tests that require uv, and not obvious to get it # to work with network-sandbox (not worth the trouble) --skip develop_hello_world::case_2 --skip develop_pyo3_ffi_pure::case_2 # compliance test using zig requires an old libc to pass (bug #946967) --skip integration_pyo3_mixed_py_subdir # fails on sparc since rust-1.74 (bug #934573), skip for now given # should not affect the pep517 backend which is all we need on sparc $(usev sparc '--skip build_context::test::test_macosx_deployment_target') ) cargo_src_test -- "${skip[@]}" } python_install_all() { cargo_src_install dodoc Changelog.md README.md use doc && dodoc -r guide/html if ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then dobashcomp "${T}"/${PN} dofishcomp "${T}"/${PN}.fish dozshcomp "${T}"/_${PN} fi }