# Copyright 2024-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit edo flag-o-matic linux-info systemd toolchain-funcs udev DESCRIPTION="Dynamic BPF-based system-wide tracing tool" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/DTrace" if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then EGIT_BRANCH="devel" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils" inherit git-r3 else SRC_URI="https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils/archive/refs/tags/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" S="${WORKDIR}"/dtrace-utils-${PV} KEYWORDS="-* amd64 arm64" fi LICENSE="UPL-1.0" SLOT="0" IUSE="test-install valgrind" # XXX: right now, we auto-adapt to whether multilibs are present: # should we force them to be? how? # # TODO: can we make the wireshark dep conditional? DEPEND=" dev-libs/elfutils dev-libs/libbpf dev-libs/libpfm:= net-analyzer/wireshark[dumpcap] net-libs/libpcap >=sys-fs/fuse-3.2.0:3 >=sys-libs/binutils-libs-2.42:= sys-libs/zlib " RDEPEND=" ${DEPEND} !dev-debug/systemtap[dtrace-symlink(+)] net-analyzer/wireshark test-install? ( app-alternatives/bc app-editors/vim-core dev-build/make dev-lang/perl dev-util/perf net-fs/nfs-utils sys-apps/coreutils sys-fs/xfsprogs sys-process/time virtual/jdk virtual/perl-IO-Socket-IP ) " BDEPEND=" dev-build/make sys-apps/gawk sys-devel/bison >=sys-devel/bpf-toolchain-14.1.0 sys-devel/flex " DEPEND+=" valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )" QA_PRESTRIPPED=" usr/.*/dtrace/testsuite/test/triggers/.* " QA_FLAGS_IGNORED=" usr/.*/dtrace/testsuite/test/triggers/.* " # TODO: report upstream (bug #938221) although it seems like it's # not relevant given it's a BPF object. QA_EXECSTACK=" usr/*/dtrace/bpf_dlib.* " pkg_pretend() { # TODO: optional kernel patches # Basics for debugging information, BPF local CONFIG_CHECK="~BPF ~DEBUG_INFO_BTF ~KALLSYMS_ALL" CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~CUSE" # Tracing CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~TRACING" CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~UPROBES ~UPROBE_EVENTS" CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~FTRACE ~FTRACE_SYSCALLS ~DYNAMIC_FTRACE ~FUNCTION_TRACER" CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~FPROBE" # DTrace can fallback to kprobes for fbt but people often want them off # for security and newer kernels work fine with BPF for that, so # let's omit it. kprobes are slower and scale poorly. # https://gcc.gnu.org/PR84052 CONFIG_CHECK+=" !GCC_PLUGIN_RANDSTRUCT" if use test-install ; then # See test/modules CONFIG_CHECK+=" ~EXT4_FS ~ISO9660_FS ~NFS_FS ~RDS ~TUN" fi check_extra_config } pkg_setup() { eval unset ${!LC_*} LANG } src_configure() { if tc-is-cross-compiler; then die "DTrace does not yet support cross-compilation." fi tc-export CC # lld does this by default, so fix that, although lld fails anyway... # 'LIBDTRACE_1.0' to symbol 'dtrace_provider_modules' failed: symbol not defined append-ldflags $(test-flags-CCLD -Wl,--undefined-version) # mold and lld can't cope with some relocation types used, e.g. # 'test-triggers--usdt-tst-forker-prov.o:(.SUNW_dof): unknown relocation: R_X86_64_GLOB_DAT' tc-ld-force-bfd # -fno-semantic-interposition seems to lead to a broken dtrace # that can't actually obtain results from probes, even trivial examples # just hang. filter-flags -fno-semantic-interposition # https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils/issues/86 filter-lto local confargs=( # TODO: Maybe we should set the UNPRIV_UID to something? -3 is a bit... kludgy --prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr --mandir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} --with-systemd HAVE_LIBCTF=yes HAVE_BPFV3=yes HAVE_VALGRIND=$(usex valgrind) ) edo ./configure "${confargs[@]}" } src_compile() { # -j1: https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils/issues/82 emake verbose=1 -j1 $(usev !test-install TRIGGERS='') } src_test() { # Needs root and is also very time-consuming :; } src_install() { emake DESTDIR="${D}" -j1 install $(usev test-install install-test) # Stripping the BPF libs breaks them dostrip -x "/usr/$(get_libdir)" # It's a binary (TODO: move it?) docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/showUSDT newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/dtprobed.init dtprobed } pkg_postinst() { # We need a udev reload to pick up the CUSE device node rules. udev_reload if [[ -n ${REPLACING_VERSIONS} ]]; then # TODO: Make this more intelligent wrt comparison # One option for this is to detect when it's needed (DOF stash layout changes) # and then e.g. sleep and restart for the user. if systemd_is_booted ; then einfo "Restart the DTrace 'dtprobed' service after upgrades once all dtraces are stopped with:" einfo " systemctl try-restart dtprobed" else einfo "Restart the DTrace 'dtprobed' service after upgrades once all dtraces are stopped with:" einfo " /etc/init.d/dtprobed restart" fi else einfo "See https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/DTrace for getting started." # We can't do magic for people with ROOT=. if [[ -n ${ROOT} ]] ; then einfo "Enable and start the DTrace 'dtprobed' service for systemd with:" einfo " systemctl enable --now dtprobed" einfo einfo "Enable and start the DTrace 'dtprobed' service for OpenRC with:" einfo " rc-update add dtprobed" einfo " /etc/init.d/dtprobed start" return fi # For first installs, we enable the service and start it. # # This is unusual, but the behaviour without dtprobed running # is untested/unsupported. It's not a network service, it # has no configuration, reads a single device node, and # does all parsing within a seccomp jail. It also leads # to hard-to-diagnose issues because USDT probes won't # be registered and an application might have already # started up which needs to be traced. if systemd_is_booted ; then ebegin "Enabling & starting DTrace 'dtprobed' service" systemctl enable --now dtprobed eend $? else ebegin "Enabling DTrace 'dtprobed' service" rc-update add dtprobed eend $? ebegin "Starting DTrace 'dtprobed' service" rc-service dtprobed start eend $? fi fi } pkg_postrm() { udev_reload }